United States Magistrate Judge  chi soo kim (csk)

Robert T. Matsui United States Courthouse

501 I Street

Sacramento, CA  95814


Courtroom 25, 8th floor




Judge Staff

Courtroom Deputy

Alexandra Waldrop
(916) 930-4187

Contact if you have any questions or need further information.

Judicial Assistant

Danielle Eichhorn
(916) 930-4710

Electronic Court Reporter Operator

(916) 930-4072


Click here to Order Transcript


(916) 930-4710
Fax: (916) 465-9865

*** Please call the Clerk's Office Helpdesk at          916-930-4000 for all case related or filing questions***

Cvb information
Link to Central Violations Bureau (CVB)

Collateral Forfeiture (Bail) Schedule
case management procedures
Procedures to be followed in Cases Assigned to
Hon. Chi Soo Kim
Courtroom Assistance: For questions regarding audio/visual equipment, Interpreter Services, Accommodations for Communications Disabilities, click the Attorney Info tab.
Proposed Orders: As required by the Local Rules, in addition to filing proposed orders in CM/ECF, counsel shall also submit byemail to cskorders@caed.uscourts.gov the proposed order accompanying any application, request, stipulation, or motion in Microsoft Word format. The email subject line must contain the words "proposed order" and the case number.
  • See page 2 Section I.D for remote appearance information.
  • See pages 2 and 3 Section II for formal and informal discovery information.

Civil Jury Trial Procedures


MOTION schedule
Motion Type: Civil
Day:  Tuesdays
Time: 10:00 AM
Motion Type: Criminal
Day: Wednesdays
Time:  10:00 AM
Courtroom: 25, 8th floor
Telephone: (916) 930-4187
*Contact courtroom deputy for available dates.

See Local Rules for proper noticing of motions.

Judge Kim's court calendars.

Calendars are subject to last minute changes. Please verify last minute changes with the Courtroom Deputy.