United States DISTRICT Judge Dale  A. Drozd (DAD)

Robert T. Matsui United States Courthouse

501 I Street

Sacramento, CA  95814


Courtroom 4, 15th floor




Judge Staff

Courtroom Deputy

Pete Buzo
(916) 930-4016

Court Reporter

For court reporter information and to order transcripts click here

Law Clerks

Clayton Halbert
Sandy Pecht
Lillian Siegel
Donna Strain


(916) 930-4130

Important information
Judge Drozd’s standard preliminary jury instructions in criminal cases consist of the Ninth Circuit’s Model Instructions Nos. 1.1 – 1.11, 1.16, and 2.1.
Judge Drozd’s standard final jury instructions in criminal cases consist of the Ninth Circuit’s Model Instructions Nos. 6.1 – 6.13, 6.18 – 6.24, and 6.32.
case management procedures
Procedures to be followed in Cases Assigned to
Hon. Dale A. Drozd
motion schedule
Motion Type: Civil
Day:  1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Motion Type: Criminal
Day: Tuesdays
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Courtroom: 4, 15th floor
Telephone: (916) 930-4016

See Local Rules for proper noticing of motions.

Judge Drozd's court calendars.

Calendars are subject to last minute changes. Please verify last minute changes with the Courtroom Deputy.