United States DISTRICT Judge NONE (NODJ)

Robert E. Coyle United States Courthouse

2500 Tulare Street

Fresno, CA  93721


Courtroom 5, 7th floor




Judge Staff

Courtroom Deputy

Victoria Gonzales
(559) 499-5676

Law Clerks

Sandra Davis
Gladys Morales
Dominique Pope
Kara Woods

Court Reporter

For court reporter information and to order transcripts click here


(559) 499-5958

case management procedures
Procedures to be followed in Cases Assigned to
motion schedule

Law and Motion Schedule

Motion Type: Civil
Day: Wednesday*
Time: 9:00 AM

Courtroom: 5, 7th floor
Telephone: (559) 499-5676

See Local Rules for proper noticing of motions.

Judge NODJ's court calendars.

Motion dates are not reserved. Please file your moving papers in accordance with the Local and Federal Rules and with the date and time of the hearing.

Calendars are subject to last minute changes. Please verify last minute changes with the Courtroom Deputy.